The Mission Exposing the Mark of the Beast (2025)

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What has the beast’s mark to do with the COVID-19 vaccination, and what is the role of the church and answering to the Christians?

Rantoa Letsosa


Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) escalated into a real pandemic within 3.5 months and had caused 183 000 deaths in 2020. The complexities of COVID-19 since the end of 2019 and throughout 2020 left a mouth full and the second wave has not least to be said. The purpose of this article is to challenge the response of the church in a time when her voice is mostly needed. During the lockdown Level 5, churches were amongst the many trends that had to close their doors to the believers and the community. This was a great shock because churches throughout history have been known as safe havens and anchorages. Churches helped with answers to unanswered questions, and in some instances, confessional statements and creeds were born. In the case of COVID-19, a lot of conspiracy theories went viral about COVID-19 and the vaccines that were still in their research stage. Lots of speculations rose as to the cause of this pandemic. The implementation of 5G was viewed as the cause of the coronavirus at the beginning of 2020, and much had to be done to correct this fallacy. Another controversial fallacy was the link of the vaccination with the beast’s mark, as was recently also insinuated in Chief Justice’s prayer. Questions have already been asked, what is the voice of the church in this regard? Congregation deals with this in different ways. Hence the relevance to the question, how timely can exegesis be to contemporary ecclesiology? What would be relevant hermeneutics that could assist in embodying faith in a corona-defined world? Contribution: This article strives to develop an interpretation of 666 that could be relevant to the questions asked and suggest a way forward in embodying faith in a corona-defined world and beyond.

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Is Covid-19 vaccine an implementation of the mandate of the mark of the beast of revelation 13:16-18?: A theological analysis

Humanus Discourse


In recent times, the internet and other social media platforms have been agog with loads of information on the successes or failures of the Coronavirus (Covid- 19) vaccination howbeit true or false. Many cases of governmental infringement on fundamental human rights are piling up due to forced vaccination strategies. On the other hand, many Christians are of the view that it is a fulfillment of the apocalyptic prophecy of Revelation 13. This research presents the arguments of pro-vaccination and anti-vaccination proponents and engages a historicalgrammatical hermeneutical study of Revelation 13:16-18. The research identifies the mark of the beast as a sign of the authority of the beast as it seeks to undermine the authority of God. It further gives a distinction between the mark of the beast and Covid-19 vaccination and concludes with its significance for Christians in modern times.

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Covid-19, Vaccine Roll-out and the Mark of the Beast: Eliminating Fears in the Church through a Correct Interpretation of Apocalyptic Genre

Terrel Manikam

The South African Baptist Journal of Theology, 2021

The recent vaccine roll-out has led many people, in general, to question their efficacy against Covid-19 with its variants. A compounding problem, particularly in Christian circles, is the unceasing conspiracy theories that are making their rounds in this quick information age. For many Christians, this is a theological issue which centres on the belief that COVID-19 is an engineered virus and the vaccine roll-out is the Mark of the Beast mentioned in Revelation 13:18. These views stem mainly from a strictly literal approach to the Book of Revelation, popularised by the "Left Behind" series. It is against this backdrop of genuine fears, eschatological questions, and a literal reading of the Book of Revelation, that the Church is called to present biblically sound and theologically derived answers. In keeping with proper hermeneutics and application, the mark of the Beast must be considered from the perspective of the apocalyptic genre and within the macro-text (or over-arching narrative) of the Book of Revelation. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to eliminate fears of the Covid-19 vaccine roll-out through a correct interpretation of Apocalyptic literature in general and of the macro-textual message of the Book of Revelation in particular. A canonical approach to the meaning and interpretation of the text is applied to serve as an apologetic against the current fears within the Church.

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The Gospel's Great Commission Warning of Snake-Druggist poisons

Heidi Crawford-Yellen

New Updates Dec 3, 2021 The warning was given that the illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read or write, but those who cannot unlearn the many lies they've been taught to believe. This document will factually illustrate such ecclesiastical lies. Most tragically, people are dropping dead worldwide after the inoculation received of the Covax. Many physicians and scientists are warning about ADE. So the question is What is antibody dependent enhancement? Briefly, it’s that the vaccine causes the virus to become more infectious than would happen in the absence of vaccination, which would cause the virus to replicate at higher levels than in the absence of infection. There's a prophetic warning about this matter of people suddenly dropping dead which is further discussed within this document. The scientists have given loud warnings that the Uncontrollable Beast is released upon those that have been vaccinated which raises the sincere question, 'Are vaccines prohibited for persons of faith?' Is the COVID19 pandemic a plot warned about within a specific Gog and Magog prophecy? Is this the mark of the beast because of a transgression of the Creator's Natural laws? The Greek Charagma largely conveyed as Mark is about the BITE OF A SERPENT. Certainly the needle sharp bite of a pharmaceutical serpent is the injection! Are animal slaughterings and flesh diets prohibited for persons of faith? Yes, in the original document the warnings are there yet the ecclesiastical lie has covered and suppressed this matter for more than a millennia. This document presents the evidence of the Nechushtan miracle healing by the Bronze age staff of Moses along with supportive evidence from the Gospels of the topic. The introduction of the cure of Naaman from the time of II Kings is also investigated and the cure Protocols of the Levitical Priesthood are outlined. Summary of research from the late Dr. Andrew Moulden interview is included as well as Dr. Mercola interview of Dr. Hoffe and the D-Dimer testing.

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The Time of Crisis and Prophetic Visioning

John Skrzypaszek


In 1886, these words were written: "The Lord brings his erring children over the same ground again and again; but if they continually fail to heed the admonitions of his Spirit, if they fail to reform on every point where they have erred, he will finally leave them to their own weakness." 2 The context of this quote was a time like no other. It was a time of decay in the prevailing social, political, and religious conditions of mid-nineteenth-century American society, and it was a time of spiritual demise among the Sabbatarian Adventists. These conditions prepared the ground for the injection of new prophetic visions-the great controversy vision (Lovett's Grove, Ohio, 1858) and the health vision (Otsego, Michigan, 1863), in the context of the American Civil War (1861-1865). Lessons from this time of crisis must be heeded by today's church, lest we be brought over the same ground again or, worse-be left to our own weakness. Tell us what you think about this article.

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Mark of the Beast

Anthony MacPherson

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OUR SORCEROUS AGE – Prelude to Armageddon

Steve Rafalsky

[published as hardcopy booklet], 2019

This booklet is comprised of three brief essays: * Opening the Gates of Hell Upon the Earth: Prelude to Armageddon * A Nation of Witches and Sorcerers * New Insights in Amillennial Eschatology The first two of these three essays are new, and the last one—“New Insights in Amillennial Eschatology”—is from the book, A Great and Terrible Love: A Visionary Journey from Babylon’s Sorceries to God’s Paradise (a couple of links herein lead to free digital versions of this book). The present booklet, Our Sorcerous Age, is about drugs—the recreational psychedelic drugs, including LSD, mescaline, DMT, psilocybin mushrooms, peyote, marijuana and its derivative hashish, &etc—and their part, strange as it may initially seem, in eschatological events, i.e., those happenings prophesied to occur at the end of the present age. There may be some slight redundancy—passages repeated—in the three essays; please excuse these. The purpose of what is in this booklet is to alert its readers to the significance of the remarkable emergence, a global phenomenon, of these drugs and their affect within the collective consciousness of humankind—the zeitgeist, or spirit of the age. In case they seem alarmist to some—particularly one of the chapters in the larger, A Great And Terrible Love, “The Fate of Babylon, a study in determining the identity and demise of Babylon in John’s Apocalypse”, it really is appropriate we should be alarmed. Perhaps in the jadedness of our minds, what with the excesses of apocalyptic super-hero movies and like fare, we ho-hum the writing on the wall: The Day of Judgment is just around the corner and nearing, its preliminary catastrophes even nearer, while our “civilization” is falling apart before our eyes. Things are not well. We should be taking God’s word very seriously, and learning to draw near to Him, the one safe place in all creation.

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Revelations: visions, prophecy, and politics in the book of Revelation

elaine pagels

Choice Reviews Online, 2012

How has Revela on, a book of visions wri en as war me literature by a Jewish prophet nearly two thousand years ago, not only come to be included in the New Testament, but s ll read by countless people interpre ng world events today? We'll consider how the structure of these visions allows for such wide-ranging-o en diametrically opposite-interpreta on of the same events, from the Muslim conquest of Egypt to the presidency of Barack Obama. Cultures, Minds and Medicines aims to bring together scholars from the social sciences, humanities, medicine and bioscience and technology to explore the ways that health and illness are made through complex social forces. We aim for informal, interactive sessions, full of debate and good will. We will meet every other week on Wednesday evening 5:30-7:00, for dinner and conversation. Talks will take place in Anthropology, Building 50, 51A (Conference room). We are able to off er graduate students, medical students and residents a certifi cate in "Cultures, Minds and Medicines," supported through the Institute for Research in the Social Sciences.

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The great health: Spiritual disease and the task of the higher man

Paul F Glenn

Philosophy & Social Criticism, 2001

Nietzsche’s harsh attacks on modernity suggest a problem: if the modern age is so diseased, can we overcome it and move on to something higher? Or is the disease too severe? I examine the question by studying Nietzsche’s view of spiritual health. Spiritual illness, even in the highest man, is nothing unusual or necessarily debilitating. Even the strongest have been infected since the earliest days of civilization. Indeed, infection with slave morality and bad conscience are requirements for spiritual elevation. And the disease serves life by giving the strong something to struggle against, as well as making possible the spiritual greatness required to revalue all values. The higher man, then, is a mixture of health and disease. The revaluation of values is extraordinarily dangerous, but not impossible.

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Norman Reiss 2020 Zygon Risk and Sacrament Being Human in a COVID 19 World

Ziba Norman, Michael J Reiss

Zygon, 2020

In this article we examine the changing relationship to risk as revealed by the COVID-19 pandemic and the ways this has, and may in future, alter sacramental practice, considering the radical effects this could have on traditional Christian practice. We consider the cultural trends that may lie behind this developing approach to risk, examining this in the context of an emergent transhuman identity that is technologically moderated and seeks to overcome risks of human mortality.

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The Mission Exposing the Mark of the Beast (2025)
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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.